    HomeMicro NewsGazaUNRWA Chief Unaware of Covert Hamas Data Hub

    UNRWA Chief Unaware of Covert Hamas Data Hub

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    What’s happening:

    The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, dismissed allegations that they were aware of an underground Hamas data center located beneath their headquarters in Gaza. Israeli military and Foreign Minister Israel Katz doubt Lazzarini’s claims.

    Why it matters:

    The accusations suggest Hamas has investigated humanitarian sites, compromising the integrity and neutrality of the U.N. agency charged with delivering aid amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. These claims have led to donor countries freezing funding, potentially halting UNRWA operations that millions rely on for aid in Gaza and other parts of the Middle East.

    The big picture:

    Jerusalem has long expressed that UNRWA harbors Hamas militants elements and facilities. Discovery of the sophisticated underground data center not only fuels these concerns but may lead to operational disruptions for UNRWA’s humanitarian services due to financial backlash.

    Details of the discovery:

    The Israeli media tour showcased the data center’s comprehensive setup, including power rooms, battery banks, and quarters purportedly used by Hamas. Following the discovery, high tensions question UNRWA’s claims of no military involvement or ability to inspect military activities under its premises. COGAT’s response suggests UNRWA had prior knowledge of illicit use of its facilities by Hamas.

    International response:

    Elaborating on the potential complicity of UNRWA staff in the Hamas massacre of October 7 and the newly discovered data center points to the agency’s compromised status within the region. Regardless, the U.N.’s Secretary-General António Guterres hailed the organization as central to Gaza relief efforts, as did U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

    What’s next:

    UNRWA is currently undergoing two investigations—one into the involvement of its staffers in violent incidents and the other reviewing the agency’s neutrality. The U.N. and global leaders’ stances might determine UNRWA’s abilities to handle future operational and funding challenges.

    Israel’s stance:

    Israel Katz explicitly demands Lazzarini’s resignation on ground of apparent negligence. Meanwhile, the IDF maintains that Hamas has deliberately exploited civilian territories for terrorism-related activities and the allegations signify a pattern of deep-seated misconduct involving UNRWA.

    This story was first published on

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