The Incident
In a heartbreaking incident, three Israeli citizens, including a brave police officer, Elad Winkelstein, and two cherished women, Rachel Cohen and Aliza Reiss, lost their lives in a monstrous terror attack near Kedumim in the West Bank. The assailants, three extremist gunmen, launched a merciless assault on cars and buses, targeting innocent travelers along Highway 55. This harrowing event also left 11 people injured.
Timing of Events
At 9:10 a.m., the attackers initiated their plan by positioning their vehicle strategically on Highway 55. At 9:12 a.m., the terrorists executed an attack pursuing a campaign of terror against tourists, clearly targeting Jews indiscriminately. Despite responders like Ammi Barber attempting to intervene, the attackers cowardly fled the scene.
Quick Israeli Response
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) immediately undertook a comprehensive manhunt aimed at bringing the perpetrators to justice. In swift action, surrounding areas are now tightly secured. In cooperation with the armed forces and intelligence networks, this operation seeks to guarantee safety for all civilians. Two assailants are identified as known threats and suspected of ties to extremist factions.
Israel’s Resolute Stand
At an emergency session convened promptly after this atrocity, Prime Minister Netanyahu, alongside military leader Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, noted the urgency to solidify nationwide security initiatives for the area. “These hearts and families will forever bear trial, yet our mission remains absolute—to find those guilty with resolve,” stated Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi.
The Human Story
The victims represented the soul of their communities, leaving deep impressions behind them. Elad Winkelstein is remembered as a former security coordinator for Kedumim, whose valiant actions distinguished him in moments of crisis. Rachel Cohen, a retired counselor known for her warmth, and Aliza Reiss, an inspiring pioneer from Karnei Shomron soon to celebrate a milestone birthday, are testaments to thriving community spirit filled with unyielding zest and selflessness.
Israel’s hearts embrace and remember these heroes cut short by hatred’s cruelty.
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