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The Healing Power of Music: Ashkelon Rapper’s Tribute to Fallen Hero

The Healing Power of Music: Ashkelon Rapper's Tribute to Fallen Hero (Credit:

The Healing Power of Music: Ashkelon Rapper's Tribute to Fallen Hero (Credit:

What’s happening:

Michael Abayev, a young rapper from Ashkelon, known by his stage name Miki, has created a touching musical tribute, “Kochav Shellee (My Star),” dedicated to Neta Epstein, a hero who sacrificed his life to save others during an attack.

Why it matters:

Music often serves as a therapeutic tool and a medium for processing grief and trauma. Abayev’s personal experience with pain and healing through music has now transformed into a work of art that commemorates a national tragedy and offers solace to those affected.

The inspiration:

Abayev was moved by an interview of Irene Shavit, the fiancée of the late Neta Epstein, recounting the harrowing events. The rapper channeled his empathy into creating a song that captures the sorrow and love felt by those who knew Epstein.

The backstory:

The 20-year-old rapper, who was seriously wounded in a Navy program, found solace in music during his recovery. Inspired by Eminem’s “Stan,” Abayev sought to offer a similar respite to others through his music.

Behind the song:

Abayev collaborated with singer Tehila Bariach, producer Ron Ashkenaizer, and celebrated producer Tom Furman to create a unique Israeli hip-hop track that incorporates local cultural elements. The song was completed in less than a week.

The response:

Shavit and Epstein’s family expressed deep appreciation for the song, with Shavit noting that the mention of Goldstar beer in the lyrics was particularly moving, as it was a favorite of Epstein’s.

The bottom line:

Music can be a powerful conduit for expressing collective grief and resilience. Abayev’s “Kochav Shellee” not only pays homage to a fallen hero but also stands as a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

This story was first published on

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