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“September 5”: Film on 1972 Munich Olympics Terror Attack

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"September 5": Film on 1972 Munich Olympics Terror Attack (Credit:


“September 5” is a powerful film that faithfully retells the harrowing tale of the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorism attack, streaming in Israel since January 30. The movie brings to life the experiences of ABC Sports journalists as they face the unexpected terror strike against Israeli athletes by the Palestinian Black September group.

Why It Matters

The Munich massacre was recorded as the first terror attack covered live on international television, highlighting the significant role media plays in shaping narratives. Released amid another tragic attack on October 7, this film presses the need for clarity in media description of terrorist acts, upholding the strong denunciation of atrocities.

The Direct Line From 1972 to Present

Viewing 1972 through the camera’s lens draws a stark line to today, as attacks like those captured on October 7 illustrate continued attempts to use media to manipulate narratives. “September 5” powerfully underscores this ongoing challenge, adding depth and urgency to how terrorism must be condemned and addressed.

Insights from the Film

Directed by Tim Fehlbaum, the movie portrays ABC’s crew under pressure, grappling with moral and logistical chaos during unparalleled violence. It’s reminiscent of gripping journalistic dramas and authentic depictions like “United 93,” piecing together recounts of historical events like the attacks during September 11.

A Must-Watch Journalistic Exploration

While audiences are familiar with the tragic Olympic outcomes, “September 5” remains intense, narrated from the journalists’ perspective—suddenly placed at the heart of a globally watched terror spectacle prior to world-altering crises like Entebbe and 9/11.

Moral Dilemmas and Media Narratives

The film reenacts journalists strikingly standing their moral ground, portraying terrorists clearly, amidst modern misuse of ‘militant’ to soften perpetrator descriptions. It shines a light on establishing truth-focused narratives, parallel to immediate identifiable threats like terrorism, without succumbing to misguided neutrality.

By revisiting a dark yet pivotal event, “September 5” not only commemorates but enlightens global audiences on the serious nature of terrorist acts while reinforcing Israel’s enduring narrative against history’s terribly relentless threats.

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