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Schwimmer Denounces Silence on Hamas Abuse Issues

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Schwimmer Denounces Silence on Hamas Abuse Issues (Credit:

What’s happening:

David Schwimmer, the Jewish actor known for his role in the TV series “Friends,” recently expressed his indignation towards individuals who deny the sexual atrocities committed by Hamas that were reported by The New York Times.

Why it matters:

Schwimmer’s comments underscore the importance of recognizing and validating the experiences of sexual violence survivors. His statements highlight the issue of selective activism and the need for consistent advocacy against sexual violence, regardless of the victims’ identities or backgrounds.

By the numbers:

As a former Board member of The Rape Foundation for almost two decades, Schwimmer has long been involved in supporting survivors of sexual trauma.

What he’s saying:

Schwimmer challenges the credibility of those who refuse to acknowledge the documented evidence of the sexual crimes perpetrated during the October 7 attacks by Hamas. He emphasizes that survivors of such acts require belief and support for healing and justice.

The backdrop:

The actor has been vocal in his support for Israel and has criticized U.S. universities for their inaction in antisemitic incidents. His advocacy extends beyond his support for Israel and touches on broader issues of sexual assault and justice for survivors.

Between the lines:

Schwimmer questions the conditional nature of activism expressed by some, who he perceives as selectively choosing which victims of sexual violence to support. He calls out a biased approach that excludes Jewish victims, potentially due to unconscious prejudices.

Closing thoughts:

The actor expresses hope that those who have denied or overlooked the sexual violence in this case will reconsider and recognize their biases, providing overdue support to the affected individuals.

What’s next:

Schwimmer encourages advocates for sexual violence survivors to vocally support all victims, including those affected by the terror attacks on October 7, and identify as real allies in the fight for justice and recovery.

This story was first published on

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