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Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody on Jewish Warfare Ethics

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Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody on Jewish Warfare Ethics (Credit:

Episode Summary

Israel has long held a position professing to maintain the most moral military operations possible. “What Matters Now” invites Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody to delve into the historical and ethical frameworks that shape this standpoint, grounded in his latest work, “Ethics of Our Fighters: A Jewish View on War and Morality.”

About the Guest

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody boasts an established profile with rabbinic ordination and a legal background with a PhD. He leads Ematai, focusing on ethical Jewish guidance in modern-day dilemmas, is a celebrated author, and his contributions extend beyond literature into the nuanced field of ethics in Jewish law.

The Ethical Lens in Military Conflicts

The conversation with Brody uncovers the intricate history of Jewish military ethics. Insights span biblical origins to contemporary rabbinical interpretations, establishing a framework for ethical decision-making that significantly influence modern-day Israeli Defence Forces’ protocols.

Application in Today’s Conflict

Brody’s analysis is especially relevant in the ongoing strife between Israel and Hamas. This reflection ponders whether Israel’s self-defensive posture within these conflicts can be rooted in Jewish ethical teachings. The discussion explores how these age-old narratives are utilized to navigate present and future military engagements.

The Conversation That Matters: Author Shlomo Brody

In this featured podcast episode, Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody articulates what lies at the heart of ethics in warfare, inevitably leading the audience to inquire what truly matters now in the dynamic engagement of morality in war.

How to Listen to the Podcast

The episode is ready for streaming and downloading on popular platforms like iTunes, TuneIn, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, or PlayerFM. Listeners can gear up for an educational and thoughtful discourse in a weekly podcast unfolding matters that shape Israel and the Jewish World today.


To enhance your understanding of current issues and historical ethics regarding military conflict, be sure to listen to past episodes of What Matters Now.

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