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Norway Wealth Fund Divests from Israeli Telecom Bezeq

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Norway Wealth Fund Divests from Israeli Telecom Bezeq (Credit:

What’s happening

Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, notable for being the globe’s most extensive, has opted to divest from Israel’s major telecom entity, Bezeq. This decision aligns with the Norges Bank Investment Management ethical directives that focus on companies involved in disputed territories in the West Bank. Bezeq, being Israel’s largest telecommunications company, has been included under this scrutiny due to its service provisions in these regions.

Why it matters

The decision showcases the influential reach of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, worth about $1.8 trillion and holding shares across 8,700 companies globally. This action underlines the ongoing tension surrounding the interpretation of international laws regarding Israeli settlements and the extent to which foreign entities might influence regional policies by monetary decisions.

The broader significance

This divestment marks a significant action in Europe as the ethical standards demand increased accountability from companies associated with infrastructure in Israeli jurisdictions regarded contendable by international parties. This echoes similar sentiments from different European financial groups that have considered reducing ties with Israel amid the ongoing situation in Gaza.

The big picture

Israel, amid these divestment trends, continues highlighting the essential nature of companies like Bezeq in enhancing communication and infrastructure capabilities not just for Israelis but also for Palestinians. The presence of these services illustrates a cooperation potential and support foundation within areas that need advanced structural telecommunications.

Moving forward

As international discussions evolve, the spotlight is on how Israel can establish dialogues and consolidate efforts with various global financial bodies. Strengthening relationships geared towards transparent operations reflects a vision of infrastructural inclusivity for residents in Israel and Palestine alike, supported by not just local but international investors.

This story was first published on

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