

    Gaza Ceasefire Unlikely Before Biden’s Term Ends, US Officials Say

    A Gaza-Israel ceasefire is deemed unlikely before Biden's term ends as Hamas's demands and regional tensions persist.

    BBC Accused of Bias: Over 1,500 Violations in Israel-Hamas Coverage

    Allegations of BBC bias in Israel-Hamas conflict revealed by Asserson Report; Critically analyzes BBC’s coverage and calls for rigorous reforms and monitoring.

    Israel’s Proposal Seeks to End Gaza Conflict and Release Hostages

    Israel proposes plan for Gaza: safe passage for Hamas leader, hostage release, Gaza demilitarization. Potential end to the conflict and shift focus to northern threats.

    Fake Emergency Texts Sent to Israelis in Cyberattack

    Alarming fake emergency alerts hit Israelis, sparking cybersecurity concerns and emphasizing the need for vigilance and digital literacy.

    Body of Heroic IDF Soldier Tomer Achimas Returned to Israel

    IDF hero Tomer Achimas' body recovered after October 7 battle in Kibbutz Nirim. His return underscores Israel's resolve and IDF's dedication to its soldiers.

    Probe into Shifa Hospital Chief’s Conduct

    Shifa Hospital chief probed for Hamas ties under Israel’s security laws.

    IDF Names Three Reservists Fallen in Central Gaza Combat Operations

    IDF identifies 3 reservists killed in Gaza: Danil Pechenyuk, Nitai Metodi, Yaniv Itzhak Oren. Their bravery highlights the ongoing sacrifices for Israel's security.

    IDF Thwarts Terror in Khan Yunis, Bolsters Israeli Security

    IDF's precise operation thwarts Gaza terror threats, upholding Israel's safety and regional stability.

    IDF Strikes Arafat’s Old Home in Anti-Terror Raid

    IDF demolishes Yasser Arafat's ex-home in Gaza, aiming to ensure security and combat extremism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Netanyahu Sets Record Straight in ‘Post’ Interview

    Netanyahu defends Israel's efforts in Gaza, aiming for peace and legal compliance while accusing Hamas of civilian harm.