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Israeli Police Rescue Wildlife, Dismantle Smuggling Ring in Negev

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Israeli Police Rescue Wildlife, Dismantle Smuggling Ring in Negev (Credit:

What Happened

In a formidable display of commitment towards wildlife conservation and public safety, Israeli police have successfully located and rescued another monkey in a Bedouin village within the Negev region. This latest operation escalates the number of rescued wildlife to include 12 monkeys and four lions, thwarting the operations of a major smuggling ring.

Why It Matters

The rescue is a crucial triumph in the Israeli police’s broader crackdown on wildlife smuggling networks believed to operate using drones from Egypt and Jordan. Such activities not only endanger exotic animals but also pose significant human health risks due to the potential transmission of diseases like tuberculosis and rabies.

The Big Picture

Like an exemplification of Israeli ingenuity and resourcefulness, the police efforts extend beyond recovering animals to undermining networks involved in the smuggling of weapons and drugs. This comprehensive crackdown reflects Israel’s dedication to protecting its borders from illegal trafficking activities, in cooperation with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA), which ensures the well-being of transferred wildlife.

What’s Next

All rescued animals, including a diverse array involving a crocodile, an anaconda, poisonous frogs, and several lizards, are being given into the care of the Nature and Parks Authority. They will receive necessary treatment while reinforcing the dangerous influence and health risks posed by the illegal wildlife trade.

Contextualizing the Danger

The INPA has emphasized the palpable threat to public health due to possible zoonotic diseases carried by smuggled animals. An international cooperation effort is underway to test the health of the rescued primates to preclude any risk. This concerted effort signifies not just the restoration of wildlife into responsible care but ensures public health can be safeguarded within and beyond Israel’s frontiers.

This story was first published on

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