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Israel Introduces Graphic Health Warnings on Tobacco Products

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Israel Introduces Graphic Health Warnings on Tobacco Products (Credit:

What’s Happening

Israel’s Health Ministry is stepping up its anti-smoking efforts by mandating graphic and textual health warnings on tobacco products. This includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes, hookahs, and chewing tobacco. These graphic warnings aim to deter smoking, particularly among youth, and will be tailored to cater to diverse communities, such as the ultra-Orthodox population. The regulations are set to undergo public commentary for three weeks before a Knesset review.

Why It Matters

In alignment with global standards, Israel’s new initiative is poised to drastically reduce smoking rates by enhancing public awareness and reducing product attractiveness. Israel ranks high in pro-actively combating smoking through awareness efforts, especially to curb the rising trend of electronic cigarette use among young individuals. These decisive steps bolster Israel’s prominence as a leader in comprehensive health safety policy-making.

Key Quotes

“The new regulations mandating graphic and textual warnings are another important step in reducing the attractiveness of these products, raising public awareness, and preventing addiction among youth,” asserted Health Minister Uriel Buso. This viewpoint aligns with Health Ministry Director-General Moshe Bar Siman Tov, who notes the concerning rise of e-cigarette use among youth and emphasizes Israel’s proactive measures such as updating warning labels and taxes.

The Bigger Picture

Dr. Sharon Levy emphasizes that these measures are part of a broader public health strategy, noting the initiative positions Israel among the pioneers tackling smoking addiction with evidence-based policies. The ministry reflects its commitment to preserve public health by setting stringent measures while catering to community sensitivities—an exceptional model worldwide.

What to Watch

Implementation of these measures will be keenly watched, particularly with regard to tackling tobacco industry opposition. It signs a pivotal moment in reinforcing norm shifts around smoking and facilitating an environment conducive to public health improvements in Israel.

This story was first published on

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