    HomeMicro NewsPoliticsIncreased Support for Haredi Inclusion in Israeli Military Draft

    Increased Support for Haredi Inclusion in Israeli Military Draft

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    What it is about

    A recent survey reveals a substantial increase in support among non-haredi Israelis for altering military draft policies to include more haredi youth. This comes in response to the need to mitigate the service burden on existing military personnel.

    Why it matters

    As Israel faces growing security challenges, ensuring a balanced distribution of military service is essential. Increasing haredi participation in the IDF could enhance national unity and ensure equitable responsibility sharing across different segments of Israeli society.

    The new sentiment

    The survey, conducted in November with a representative sample of 756 adults, shows a marked increase to 81% from 65% in January in the non-haredi population supporting changes to draft policies. This reflects a broad consensus on the shared responsibility in defending the country.

    Adapting the policy

    While the non-haredi support for drafting haredi youth has risen to 84.5%, the haredi community itself largely remains divided with 57% opposing changes. However, there is growing acknowledgement of the need to contribute more meaningfully to national defense.

    Appreciating contribution

    Moving forward, Israel must continue to recognize and value contributions from all sectors, fostering a collective effort in overcoming security challenges while maintaining social cohesion and respect for diverse ways of life within the Jewish state.

    This story was first published on

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