At the entrance of this Migunit [small, concrete, doorless bomb shelter], my life has turned upside down, and changed completely.
Laurie would work every weekend.
I would stay at home waiting for her to come back at 11pm on Saturday night (on a good night) after leaving the house Friday morning.
She was such a hard working woman. She was willing to do everything to fulfill her never ending goals. And I am saying all this because… we were so excited for that weekend!
As a couple, we were really looking forward to all those experiences, getting out pent up energies, unwinding and then going to sleep for 12 hours cuddled with our dogs.
And then those missiles started. Those missiles that did not scare you at all, my love.
You organized all your things while others were scared and ducking for cover.
We got in the car and you called everyone to let them know everything was ok and that we were on the way home.
But you did not make it back home.
Here is where the tears start again, even as I write.
We went into a Migunit so a missile wouldn’t hit us. You settled in a great space in the Migunit. It is sad to say, but the dead were supposed to save you.
After the grenade I must have passed out, and didn’t manage to stop you from going outside (of the migunit). I promise that if I hadn’t passed out, I would have hugged you as tight as I could- as long as you stayed by my side.
But you were suffocating from the smoke… And you escaped outside (of the Migunit).
“After the grenade I must have passed out, and didn’t manage to stop you from going outside”
On the outside, you came across those killers. I swear to you, that I will make sure thousands of missiles with “Laurie Vardi” written all over them will hit them, and I will enlist in the reserves.
They shot you.
I woke up only after that it seems. Blind in one eye and barely hearing anything. I looked for you. Oh no. The sights I passed by as I searched for you. I haven’t seen such sights even on ‘Game of Thrones’. You weren’t in the Migunit. I understood. You went out!
I got closer to the exit door, I couldn’t hear shooting so I decided to go and look for you.
You were a meter from the entrance, lying on your stomach. I turned you over. The last look on your face gives me the chills every time I think about it. An angel with eyes wide open.
I lost it… I tried to revive you, but there was no one to revive.
With the shooting starting again towards my direction, I made the decision to save myself and run, without you. The most difficult decision I have ever made in my life.
“The last look on your face gives me the chills every time I think about it”
At the entrance to that Migunit, that I intend to go back to and spell “Laurie” on in graffiti, my life has completely turned around.
My Laurie, the amazing love I felt for you has already multiplied ten times over since October 7th, 2023. How much light you gave to those around you.
How many people smile next to you, laugh, and enjoy your nonsense. The sweetest nonsense in the world!
On the other hand, you were an incredibly clever woman, with great charisma and self-confidence, who knew how to get anything her heart desires. Really, anything. I am not exaggerating.
You have a villa in my heart. A whole villa just for you. And it will be there forever .
Please share Laurie Vardi’s story for me. Don’t skip it. We are here to commemorate her.
Nissim G.
This story was first published on