Dr. Erez Cohen Mivtach Shares Insights on Grief and Comfort
What’s New?
Dr. Erez Cohen Mivtach, the father of the late Shahar Cohen Mivtach who tragically lost his life in a northern Gaza Strip battle due to a mortar shell, has shared 14 insights into his personal journey of grief and how to provide comfort to mourning families.
Why It Matters
Understanding grief and how to support those who are mourning is crucial in any society, especially in areas where conflict is prevalent. Dr. Mivtach’s insights provide a unique perspective, coming from a father who has experienced the profound loss of his son. His experiences and advice can serve as a guide for others who are trying to navigate their own grief or support others in their mourning process.
The Bigger Picture
Conflict and loss are unfortunately common in the Gaza Strip and other areas of Israel. By sharing his personal journey and insights, Dr. Mivtach is not only helping others to understand and cope with grief, but also shedding light on the human cost of these conflicts. His story serves as a poignant reminder of the need for peace and understanding in the region.
This story was first published on Ynetnews .