    HomeMicro NewsIsraeli CommunityGrandparents Share Mixed Feelings on Kids Returning to School

    Grandparents Share Mixed Feelings on Kids Returning to School

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    By Herb Keinon

    What This Is About

    In a viral sentiment that resonated with many, Herb Keinon explores the intricate dynamics of modern grandparenting, expressing genuine love coupled with an undeniable weariness. He delves into the complexity of juggling joy with exhaustion when caring for grandchildren, especially when primary caregivers are away.

    Why It Matters

    The narrative ties into larger societal discussions on familial bonds, childcare, and the role grandparents play in providing essential support to their families, even at the cost of their own energy levels. This relatable piece highlights both the benefits and challenges that many Israeli families experience.

    The Big Picture

    Clinical psychologist Alan David Dell’s viral video celebrates the advantages of grandparents living near their grandchildren. Harvard research supports Dell’s points that this close proximity can enhance grandparents’ well-being, providing them purpose, happiness, and even better health.

    Zoom In

    Despite these touted benefits, real-world experiences show that being near grandchildren isn’t always “unmitigated joy.” While joy is definitely experienced, it is often tinged with moments of stress and exhaustion as grandparents step into demanding caretaking roles.

    A Day in the Life

    Keinon recounts a personal story where he and his wife took their five grandchildren to the Ramat Gan Safari. The day, though filled with joyful moments, also included crying, managing the chaos of small children, and the physical exhaustion of navigating a hot day.

    The Satire of “Experts”

    A humorous social media post reflected grandparents’ reality versus experts’ idealized visions. On one hand, youthful “experts” enjoy leisure, while on the other, grandparents strain to keep up with their energetic grandchildren.

    The August Challenge

    August is a notoriously challenging month for families in Israel, when school breaks stretch parental patience thin, making grandparental support essential. However, this “August crisis” also places considerable strain on the older generation, complicating the otherwise liberating phase of senior life.

    The True Blessing

    Keinon sheds light on the crucial role grandparents serve yet underscores the essential need for balance. Proximity to grandchildren offers blessings and meaningful moments, but recognizing the limits of such proximity ensures that grandparents maintain the energy and joy that they derive from being part of their grandchildren’s lives.

    This story was first published on

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