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Former Israeli General Warns of Rising Hezbollah Threat Amid Iran Tensions

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Former Israeli General Warns of Rising Hezbollah Threat Amid Iran Tensions (Credit:

What it is about

Retired IDF Major General (ret.) Yaakov Amidror, currently a distinguished fellow at JINSA’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy, highlights the alarming possibility of a devastating conflict between Israel and the Lebanese-based terrorist group Hezbollah. With recent rocket attacks and hostilities on the rise, Amidror stresses that if combat ensues, it could be more catastrophic than previous encounters.

Why it matters

Hezbollah’s intensified aggression, fueled by Iran, poses a significant threat to Israel’s national security. Understanding Israel’s preparedness and its strategic alliances, particularly with the United States, underpins the broader geopolitical implications. Amidror’s insights reveal potential conflict scenarios that can impact stability in the region and beyond.

In case you missed it

Hezbollah recently launched a series of rockets into northern Israel, causing injuries, including an American citizen. The escalation continues as over 200 rockets and drones have been fired. This situation reflects Hezbollah’s potent capabilities and underscores the continuous threat Israel faces from Iranian proxies.

We stay ready for all scenarios

General Amidror emphasizes self-reliance in defense but calls for robust American logistical support to sustain military efforts. He acknowledges that Israel cannot be fully prepared for such a volatile war, but expresses confidence in Israel’s capability to face Hezbollah’s threats, including missiles, anti-tank capabilities, and drones.

Critical threats identified

Amidror outlines three key threats from Hezbollah: a substantial arsenal of precise rockets and missiles, a formidable anti-tank missile capability, and advanced drone operations. Israel is continuously working to counter these threats, adapting and improving its defense each day.

Anticipating broader conflict

The involvement of Iran in a potential conflict remains uncertain, but Israel is preparing for all possibilities. Deterring Iran’s direct involvement by signaling severe consequences is part of Israel’s strategic defense considerations.

Defense Perspective

In light of increasing tensions, Israel’s Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, emphasizes maintaining readiness and reducing Hezbollah’s operational capacity. Significant losses within Hezbollah’s command structure have been inflicted, showcasing Israel’s proactive defense measures.

Looking forward

As talks within Israel’s military structure debate approaches to crippling Hezbollah, Amidror underscores the importance of focusing military efforts directly on the terrorist group rather than Lebanese state infrastructure, to potentially enable a peaceful resolution while maintaining firm defense against imminent threats.

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