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Exploring Jerusalem’s Ancient Burial Traditions

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Exploring Jerusalem's Ancient Burial Traditions (Credit:

Why it matters:

Jerusalem is a city where history, spirituality, and tradition converge. Understanding its unique burial customs offers insight into of some of the world’s oldest religious practices. Jerusalem’s traditions in death are not only a testament to the city’s reverence for the past, but also provide a sense of comfort and continuity for the living.

What’s happening:

In the Holy City, burial customs are dictated by ancient texts and traditions, particularly embraced by the Orthodox communities. This same respect for time-honored practices was seen in the burial of former Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who was laid to rest adhering to these customs, under a modest headstone.

Deep traditions:

Rabbi Moshe Shimon, head of the Jerusalem Burial Society, points to “Ma’avar Yabok” as the comprehensive reference for these rites. Among them is the imperative to bury the deceased promptly, usually on the day of passing unless it coincides with Shabbat or festivals, to alleviate the deceased’s suffering.

The ritual cleansing:

The deceased undergoes a special purification process, including complete immersion in a specially maintained mikveh. Unlike other places where the standard nine kavin of water suffices, here the practice of full immersion is a significant aspect of honoring the dead.

Earthen embrace:

In Jerusalem, the deceased are buried directly in the soil, without a casket, upholding the belief that the land itself provides atonement. This practice ensures uniformity and equality in death.

Rites of passage:

The transportation of the deceased involves a metal bier, harking back to ancient acts of atonement. Rituals also include circling the deceased and reciting verses, further embedding these proceedings in the city’s religious heritage.

Inclusivity in practice:

Despite the deep-rooted traditions, the Jerusalem Burial Society adopts an accommodating approach, ensuring that while upholding Jewish law, the needs and preferences of families are respected.

Looking ahead:

The Jerusalem Burial Society’s broad range of services and empathetic support showcases the living aspect of these time-honored traditions. They stand ready to provide families with comfort in adherence to these sacred rituals.

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