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DeSantis Challenges Haley on Israel Policy in GOP Debate

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DeSantis Challenges Haley on Israel Policy in GOP Debate (Credit:

The Context

At the pivotal Republican presidential debate at Drake University, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis came head-to-head with former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, clashing over their differing views on Israel and the two-state solution.

Why It Matters

As Iowa caucuses loom, DeSantis’ firm stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict showcases his commitment to Israel’s autonomy in critical sovereignty decisions, appealing to pro-Israel Republican voters and setting a tough debate stage fight with presidential hopeful, Haley.

DeSantis’ Critique

Voicing strong criticism of Haley’s past support for a two-state solution, DeSantis outlined a vehement opposition to pressuring Israel into such an agreement, highlighting the moral and political complexities surrounding Israel’s regional challenges and the notion of relocating Palestinians from Gaza.

Haley’s Defense

Reacting to DeSantis’ comments, Haley centered her own policy on supporting Israel’s needs in the conflict with Hamas. She asserted an aggressive position on Iran, hinting at preventive strikes to safeguard US interests, contrasting President Joe Biden’s allegedly tepid strategy on the matter.

DeSantis Flaunts Pro-Israel Record

Amid debate tensions, Governor DeSantis did not miss the opportunity to praise his administration’s pro-Israel actions, citing the chartering of flights for Americans in Israel amidst conflict, and waiving university fees for students facing anti-Semitism, showcasing practical support for the Jewish community.


This sharp exchange on foreign policy signals a stark difference in approach between two leading Republican figures, giving Iowa caucus-goers and pro-Israel voters much to consider as primary season kicks into high gear.

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