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Austin Hate Crime: Palestinian American Stabbed

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Austin Hate Crime: Palestinian American Stabbed (Credit:

Austin Police Classify Stabbing as Potential Hate Crime

What Happened:

Zacharia Doar, a 23-year-old Palestinian American was stabbed on Sunday evening near the University of Texas. The victim, an advocate of Palestinian rights, was attacked while in a vehicle displaying a “Free Palestine” scarf. Bert James Baker, 36, has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Why It Matters:

This stabbing is now under review by the Travis County District Attorney’s Office as a possible hate crime, raising concerns regarding increasing hostilities towards Muslim, Arab, and Jewish communities in the US. This incident coincides with a broader pattern of heightened communal tensions that mirror geopolitical conflicts.

The Response:

The local community has called on law enforcement to classify the violent episode as a hate crime. Members of CAIR have highlighted the incident’s prejudice-aligned motives, mourning the targeted violence against Muslim Americans expressing political solidarity.

About the Victim and Attacker:

Doar was in the company of other Muslim Americans coming from a pro-Palestinian event when the assault occurred. Official reports and an arrest affidavit detail the altercation, painting it in the light of a racially-driven confrontation. Baker, when interviewed by police following the crime, attributed his actions partly to excess alcohol consumption.

Legal Proceedings:

Baker currently sits in jail on a $100,000 bond. As the Hate Crimes Review Committee forwards their findings, prosecutors will decide on whether to enhance the charges considering the hate crime assessment.


With deepening divides brought on by the Israel-Hamas conflict, episodes of violence and discrimination against individuals based on their ethnicity or political views have surged in various parts of the United States. This case adds to a series of potential hate crimes across the nation where victims have been targeted due to their Palestinian heritage or Muslim faith.

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