    HomeMicro NewsGazaHamas Spokesperson Abruptly Exits BBC Interview Upon Questioning About Israeli Civilian Deaths

    Hamas Spokesperson Abruptly Exits BBC Interview Upon Questioning About Israeli Civilian Deaths

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    Hamas Spokesman Abruptly Exits BBC Interview Over Civilian Casualties Question

    What’s new?

    A Hamas spokesman abruptly ended a BBC News interview on Thursday, visibly upset by a question regarding the group’s justification for civilian casualties.

    Why does it matter?

    This incident underscores the ongoing controversy and international concern over Hamas’ tactics, which often result in civilian casualties. The spokesman’s refusal to address the issue directly may further fuel criticism of the group’s approach to conflict.

    Details of the incident

    The interview took a turn when the BBC reporter asked the Hamas spokesman to explain how the group, often labeled as a terrorist organization, justified the killing of civilians. The question visibly upset the spokesman, who chose to abruptly end the interview rather than provide an answer.

    This story was first published on Fox News .

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