    HomeMicro NewsGazaFoiled Hezbollah Attack in Tel Aviv Targeted Former Israeli Defense Minister

    Foiled Hezbollah Attack in Tel Aviv Targeted Former Israeli Defense Minister

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    What it is about

    Israeli authorities confirmed on Wednesday that the intended target of a Hezbollah bombing attack in Tel Aviv’s Yarkon Park last year was former defense minister and IDF chief of staff, Moshe Ya’alon.

    Why it matters

    This incident underscores the persistent threats Israel faces from Hezbollah and highlights the efficacy of Israeli security forces in thwarting such attacks. The confirmation also reveals the specific intent behind the attack to target high-profile Israeli figures.

    The details

    On September 15, 2023, an explosion occurred around 6:30 a.m. in Tel Aviv’s Yarkon Park. Fortunately, no injuries were reported. Israeli authorities detained two Arab Israeli suspects immediately following the bombing and arrested another six individuals in the subsequent days. All eight have been indicted for a range of security offenses, including weapon offenses and contact with Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon.

    Main Points

    Successful Interception:The Shin Bet security agency, in coordination with Israeli police, reaffirmed preventing a similar bombing attempt targeting another former senior defense official. Details of this plot and others by the same Hezbollah network were revealed as part of the investigation.

    Investigation Findings:Initial assessments suspected random civilians were the targets, but significant insights emerged. The investigation uncovered the true motive when police and the Shin Bet deduced that the Claymore-style anti-personnel mine, known to be in Hezbollah’s arsenal, was intended to harm a senior Israeli figure. Ya’alon’s regular presence in the area led investigators to conclude he was the specific target.

    Technological Improvisations:Suspects modified the bomb with a camera and remote detonation system, ensuring precise execution by identifying Ya’alon. Such setups underline Hezbollah’s technological capabilities in carrying out attacks remotely.

    Recent Developments:Building on this case, Shin Bet foiled another imminent attack using similar tactics. They discovered a similar remote-controlled explosive device intended for another former senior official.


    These discoveries link Hezbollah’s continual aggressions against Israel, characterized by the Megiddo Junction bombing earlier this year, assiduously planned using Claymore-style mines. Historical patterns emphasize Israel’s fortified security decreasing adversarial breaches, albeit the constant vigilance necessitated owing to ceaseless threats.


    Despite ongoing skirmishes along the northern border with Hezbollah and its attempts to threaten high-ranking Israeli figures, Israeli intelligence and security agencies demonstrate impressive proficiency in safeguarding its citizens and thwarting terror efforts.

    This story was first published on

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