    HomeMicro NewsPoliticsIsrael: Beyond a Refuge - A Vision for Global Jewish Values

    Israel: Beyond a Refuge – A Vision for Global Jewish Values

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    What This is About

    Israel is more than just a refuge for Jews. This article by Aharon E. Wexler delves into what Israel truly strives to be—a beacon of Jewish values presented on a global stage.

    Why It Matters

    The essence of Israel isn’t merely about being a sanctuary; it’s about taking the unique gifts and values that the Jewish people embody and presenting them as an actor on the world stage. This perspective is essential for understanding Israel’s enduring spirit and broader mission.

    State of Israel’s Security

    Israel is in a critical juncture as it grapples with threats to its existence. Despite recent vulnerabilities, such as the shock attack by Hamas on October 7 that challenged the perception of Israeli invulnerability and superior intelligence, Israel’s resilience remains uncompromised.

    Impact on Israeli Society

    Beyond the immediate security concerns, the broader worry lies with Israelis potentially losing faith and moving away. Even before the current conflict, such departures felt like personal losses. The drive to help build a robust Jewish state is viewed as one of the greatest privileges for any Jew.

    Jewish Renaissance

    The past eight decades have been nothing short of miraculous for Israel, sparking a renaissance of Jewish life that reverberated across the globe, leading many to embrace their identity proudly.

    Defining the End Game

    While Israel’s role as a safe haven is significant, it’s not the ultimate goal. Israel’s mission is to project Jewish values on the world stage. It’s about applying principles that have long been confined to homes and synagogues to a functioning nation-state. David Ben-Gurion aptly summarized it: Israel makes “everything that is human, Jewish; and everything that is Jewish, human.”

    The Broader Vision

    Israel embodies the struggle that defines the Jewish people. From Jacob’s biblical wrestling with the angel that named him Israel to contemporary challenges, it’s a continuous journey to wrestle with both divine and worldly elements. This struggle has gifted Judaism with profound ideas, and Israel serves as the best platform to share these ideas with humanity.

    In Conclusion

    Israel stands as an extraordinary testimony to Jewish endurance, a nation built not just for survival but for shining a light unto nations. Let us seize this unique opportunity to realize Israel’s full potential and not let history’s lessons slip away.

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