    HomeMicro NewsPoliticsKamala Harris' Palestinian State Endorsement Sparks Regional Concerns

    Kamala Harris’ Palestinian State Endorsement Sparks Regional Concerns

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    What it is about:

    Vice President Kamala Harris’ repeated endorsement of a Palestinian state, highlighted during a recent debate, has sparked warnings from Israeli and American experts about the potential consequences for regional stability and security.

    Why it matters:

    Experts caution that the establishment of a Palestinian state could lead to increased terrorism and destabilize nations including Israel and Jordan. This debate comes in the context of historical failures in Palestinian leadership and ongoing threats from groups like Hamas.

    Key insights:

    Expert Opinions

    David Friedman, former ambassador to Israel, argues that a Palestinian state “between Israel and Jordan will destabilize both countries and bring only additional terror and misery.” He advises that Israel should be allowed to find its own solution without external interference. Similarly, Jonathan Conricus, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, emphasizes that Palestinian leadership’s consistent refusal of peace offers indicates a lack of aspiration for peace, thus further diminishing the support for a two-state solution within Israel.

    Polling and Public Sentiment

    Polls suggest that the Palestinian population in Gaza and areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA) show significant support for Hamas, which advocates for the elimination of Israel. This support complicates the possibility of a peaceful resolution and questions the viability of a two-state solution.

    Statements from Leaders

    Harris’ Position

    Vice President Harris reiterated support for a two-state solution, maintaining that such an outcome should ensure both Israel’s security and Palestinian dignity and self-determination. However, her stance has drawn criticism for oversimplifying complex regional dynamics.

    Rubin’s Take

    Joel Rubin, a former deputy assistant secretary of state, sees Harris’ position as inherently pro-Israel if it can ensure long-term stability and security. However, Rubin acknowledges current difficulties and emphasizes the need for strong political will and rooted-out extremism.


    While supporting a potential sovereign state for Palestinians, experts argue that the current political and social climate does not support such a solution without creating other significant risks. The debate highlights the need for realistic and informed strategies rather than reverting to politically popular yet impractical solutions.


    The advocacy for a Palestinian state as part of a two-state solution remains controversial. With experts cautioning against the destabilizing effects and underscoring the critical need for informed, locally-driven solutions, the conversation emphasizes Israel’s imperative to secure its own sustainable peace and stability.

    This story was first published on

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